Reflections for 2017-18


Reflections for 2017-18


Course reflections for the 2017-18 school year. Note: reflections were only collected for the Spring 18 semester.

Collection Items

CSC 4620 Software Engineering II Course Reflection for Spring 2018. The course was taught by Gannod and was the second semester of the two course sequence.

Course reflection for CSC 1200 Spring 2018. Course was taught by Eberle.

Course reflection for CSC 1300 for Spring 2018. This course was taught by D. Brown

Course reflection for CSC 1310 - Spring 2018. Course was taught by Crockett.

Course reflection for CSC 2310 - Spring 2018. Course was taught by Kosa.

Course reflection for CSC 2400 - Spring 2018. Course was taught by Kosa.

Course reflection for CSC 2310 - Spring 2018. Course was taught by Scott.

Course reflection for CSC 2500 - Spring 2018. Course was taught by Graves.

Standard Course Reflection

Standard Course Reflection

Standard Course Reflection

Standard Course Reflection

Standard Course Reflection

Standard Course Reflection

Standard Course Reflection
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