Browse Items (11 total)

CSC-1300 and 1310-Startingout-TableofContents.pdf
Table of contents

CSC 1300 Student_Work_Lab (Spring 2020).pdf
Examples of student work

CSC 1300 Student_Work_Programs_With_Examples.pdf
Examples of student work

CSC 1300 Student_Work_Exams.pdf
Examples of student work

CSC 1300 Lecture Slides.pdf
Lecture slides

1300 Spring 2020 Exams.pdf

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CSC 1300-001 Spring 2020 Syllabus.pdf
Semester syllabus for this course

CSC 1300 Spring 2020 LAB Syllabus.pdf
Semester lab syllabus for this course

CSC_1300_Reflection_Crockett (Spring2020).pdf
Faculty reflection(s)

1300 Spring 2020 In-Class Practice.pdf
Assignments for this course

CSC_1300_Reflection_Crockett (Spring2020).pdf
Course reflection submitted by April Crockett for CSC 1300 in Spring 2020
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