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CSC 4610 Syllabus.docx
CSC 4610 Software Engineering I Course Syllabus. Course taught by Gannod

CSC 4610 Course Reflection for Fall 2018. Course was taught by Gannod

CSC_4610_Reflection_Gannod (S19).docx
Course reflection for CSC 4610 - Spring 2019. Course was taught by Gannod.

CSC 4620 Software Engineering II Course Reflection for Spring 2018. The course was taught by Gannod and was the second semester of the two course sequence.

Outcome 1 - Fall 2018.pdf
This document contains the assessment summary for Outcome 1 as assessed in CSC 4610 Software Engineering I, Fall 2018.

Standard 2-page ABET CV

CSC_2710 _Reflection_Elizandro_F18.pdf
Standard Course Reflection


Examples of student work Version 2.0

Semester syllabus for this course

CSC_4040_Reflection_Eberle (Spring2020).pdf
Faculty reflection(s)

Real or Not_ NLP with Disaster Tweets _ Kaggle.pdf
Assignments for this course

CSC 4620 LectureSlides.pdf
Lecture slides

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Semester syllabus for this course

CSC_4620_Reflection_Eberle (Spring2020).pdf
Faculty reflection(s)

CSC 4620 Assignments.pdf
Assignments for this course
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